Build hyper-targeted segments and personalized emails with the Braze connector | Census

Sylvain Giuliani
6 May 2021

Doing more with your data has always been our goal. The more integration we build, the more places you can operationalize your data. This is why we're excited to officially partner with Braze and announce our Braze Connector 🎉.

With our latest connector, you can now bring your unified product & customer data from your data warehouse directly into braze so your teams can build better campaigns.

Here are some of the ways our customers take advantage of our Braze Connector:

  • Use product data to create hyper-target segments
  • Send personalized marketing campaigns
  • Update device IDs for their customers as they move to new devices
  • Use product data and metrics to trigger Braze Canvas and trigger new multi-channels campaigns
  • Send personalized messages that include product metrics in emails
  • Automatically trigger emails based on data from other apps
  • … And many more use cases!

🔌 As with all our sync connectors, we automatically minimize API usage and respect your plan's API rate limits.

Check out our documentation to learn how to get started and see all of the features that our integration supports.

Interested in using Census + Braze to operationalize the data you already have? Contact us for a demo.