Top 5 Third-Party Data Enrichment Providers (And Use Cases) | Census

Sylvain Giuliani
24 February 2023

As a marketer, data is the lifeblood of your marketing efforts. 🩸

But not all data is created equal. You need accurate and complete data to target the right audiences at the right time, hyper-personalize messaging, and, ultimately, deliver successful campaigns. Achieving this data quality can be a challenge for many organizations, though, with data decaying at a rate of 35% per year on average

This is where data enrichment comes in. 🦸

What is data enrichment?

Data enrichment is the process of enhancing existing contact or account data with additional information. This may include information like job titles, company size, industry, location, and more. 

With enriched data, marketing teams can more holistically understand their customers and prospects, allowing for better targeting and personalization. And while it's possible to enrich data manually, it can be a time-consuming and costly process. Luckily, third-party data enrichment providers – like and Clearbit – offer a more efficient and cost-effective way to enrich data automatically. 

Traditionally, these data enrichment providers have integrated with popular marketing automation tools like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo. But now, in the cloud data warehouse era, both and Clearbit integrate with Census Enrichment to automatically enrich contact and account records. 💪

6 data enrichment use cases you can implement today

Sure, it sounds pretty neat, but what scenarios would you use it for? Here are some common areas that can benefit from enriched data. 

  1. Personalization. Enriched third-party data can provide data points – think: name, location, job title, and company size – to create personalized messaging that resonates with the target audience. You can then use these data points to personalize emails, landing pages, and ad copy, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates. 🤗
  2. Behavioral Targeting. Behavioral data like browsing history, purchase history, and content engagement can be used to target audiences with specific interests or preferences. 🎯 Armed with this knowledge, you can start serving personalized ads, recommending products, and creating content that really resonates with your target audience.
  3. Lookalike Modeling. With access to data like job titles, company sizes, and industries, you can identify high-value prospects and create lookalike models based on their customer profiles. Now, you can target similar audiences who are more likely to convert.
  4. Social Media Targeting. Enriched third-party data can provide social media handles, interests, and behaviors that can be used to target audiences on social media platforms through social media campaigns, which can drive engagement and increase brand awareness. 📈
  5. Predictive Lead Scoring. Predictive lead scoring models use enriched data to assign scores to leads based on their likelihood to convert, helping marketers prioritize leads for their sales counterparts. This helps optimize lead nurturing strategies and increases overall ROI.
  6. Geotargeting. Enriched third-party data can provide locations and IP addresses, allowing marketing teams to target audiences based on their physical location. This might come in handy when creating targeted campaigns for specific regions, cities, or even zip codes. Plus, it can help increase conversion rates by serving ads that are more relevant to the audience.

Top 5 data enrichment providers

Now that you know how you might leverage enriched data, you might be wondering which tool is best for your use case. So, let's take a closer look at the top 5 best B2B data enrichment providers (and their pros and cons). 👇


Clearbit is a popular data enrichment tool that offers a wide range of data points for each contact record.
Clearbit is a popular data enrichment provider that offers a wide range of data points for each contact record

Pros: It can integrate with Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo, and other marketing automation tools to automatically enrich contact records. Clearbit's data coverage is one of the largest in the market, and it offers a free trial for up to 50 enrichments per month. 

Cons: The pricing for Clearbit can be relatively expensive compared to other data enrichment providers, and some users have reported issues with duplicate records.


Zoominfo data enrichment provider
ZoomInfo is another popular data enrichment provider that offers comprehensive company and contact information.

 Pros: It has a large database of contacts, which it regularly updates, and offers integrations with popular marketing automation tools. ZoomInfo's main advantage is its accuracy, which it achieves through a combination of AI and human verification.

Cons: ZoomInfo's pricing can be relatively expensive, and it can be difficult to cancel or adjust subscriptions.

Data enrichment provider Apollo is a data enrichment provider that offers both contact and account-level data enrichment

Pros: It integrates with Salesforce, Hubspot, Marketo, and other popular marketing automation tools to automatically enrich contact records. offers a free trial, and its pricing is relatively competitive compared to other data enrichment providers. 

Cons: Some users have reported issues with data accuracy and duplicate records.


Data enrichment provider peopledatalabs
PeopleDataLabs is a data enrichment provider that specializes in B2B data.

Pros: It offers highly accurate contact and account-level data enrichment, which it achieves through a combination of AI and human verification. PeopleDataLabs' main advantage is its affordability, as it offers a free plan for up to 1,000 contacts per month and a paid plan that is significantly cheaper than some other data enrichment providers.

Cons: It offers limited integration options and has a smaller database of contacts compared to some other data enrichment providers.


Data enrichment provider InsiderView
InsideView is a data enrichment provider that specializes in account-level data enrichment.

Pros: It offers comprehensive company information, including financial data, firmographics, and news articles, but InsideView’s main advantage is its depth of data

Cons: It can be relatively expensive compared to other data enrichment providers, and offers limited integration options which can make it difficult to use with some marketing automation tools.

What’s next?

Leveraging third-party data enrichment providers is crucial for modern marketing operations teams looking to maximize the value of their customer data. By enriching your customer profiles with additional data points, marketers can create more targeted and personalized campaigns, optimize their ad targeting, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates. 🚀

But to start using a third-party data enrichment provider effectively, you’ll first need to:

  1. Identify your specific data needs and choose the data enrichment provider that best aligns with your overall business objectives and target audience.
  2. Integrate the provider with your marketing automation or audience management tool and begin enriching your customer data.
  3. Continuously monitor the quality of the enriched data and adjust your strategies as needed to ensure optimal campaign performance.

Armed with these tips, an effective data management strategy, and the right data enrichment partner, you can gain a competitive advantage by delivering more effective marketing campaigns that drive results. And who doesn’t love better business outcomes and increased revenue?

👉 Want to start enriching your data? Have a specific enrichment use case you’d like to chat about? Book some time with a Census product specialist to chat about all your data enrichment needs.