B2C E-Commerce


The world of digital marketing is noisy.  And with all the noise of all the campaigns that are in endless rotation, relevance is key to reaching the right audience at the right time. 

Highly-personalized and timely marketing requires knowing who is in your audience and how they interact with your business. But it's no longer enough to send targeted messages based solely on your contacts' demographics or interests. Truly effective marketing also uses behavioral data to uncover how your ideal audience interacts with your business.

That might include data like:

  1. `purchase_history`
  2. `browser_history`
  3. `location_data`
  4. `device_type`
  5. `social_media_engagement`
  6. `customer_segment`

This data can then be used for behavioral targeting (i.e. targeting advertising and content to specific individuals based on how they interact with your online content). 

But the third-party behavioral data you need isn't just handed to you like your first-party data. And even with both in hand, many companies struggle to unify their first-party and third-party data effectively, making it challenging to tap into these valuable insights. 

Luckily, by refining your behavioral targeting with enriched behavioral data, you can optimize campaigns and create personalized experiences that resonate with your audience. 

Census Enrichments makes it easy to unify your enriched data, so you can take your campaigns to the next level.

Use Case

Enrichments are configured on Entities at Census, so every entity has a Data Enrichment tab that allows configuring enrichment. 

The data within the entity will act as the source data that is passed to the enrichment service, and Census will automatically store the results in the warehouse as well as add the data you specify to the entities.

Before you start, you'll need to create a service connection to your enrichment service. You can add these in the Connections tab. You'll see a Data Enrichment tag indicating a service can be used for enrichment.

With enrichment services enabled, you'll see the option to turn on enrichment on your entities. Enabling enrichment requires three pieces of configuration:

  • Data Category or type to use, if the service provides multiple. For example, do you want to enrich users or people? If your entity is a User or Company type, this will be automatically selected for you.
  • The identifier (or identifiers) to pass to the enrichment service. Enrichment services use these identifiers to match against their databases. The type of identifier needed will vary depending on which data category was specified.
  • The attributes from the enrichment service to add to the entity. You can choose which attributes to add to your entity, you don't need to add them all so you can skip attributes that would create duplicate columns and confusion.

Once your enrichment is configured, Census will start querying your enrichment service and populating results.

Now, you can immediately use this unified customer data to:

  1. Identify the customer fields listed above and incorporate them into your marketing strategy.
  2. Create segmented marketing campaigns tailored to different customer profiles, using the enriched data to inform your messaging and targeting.
  3. Analyze the performance of your campaigns, adjusting and iterating based on the data-driven insights gained from the unified customer data.

What's Next?

Now that you've seen the power of refined behavioral targeting, consider other ways to utilize your enriched data. For example, you could:

  • Create personalized product recommendations by analyzing `purchase_history` and `browser_history`.
  • Develop a loyalty program that targets high-value customers based on their `customer_segment` and `purchase_history`.
  • Use `location_data` to tailor in-store promotions and events to local customer preferences.

Unsure how to implement your use case?

Schedule a call with us to discuss!