

It's finally here: Your grand opening. Of course, this is a very exciting time, but it can also be extremely nerve-wracking. You're setting the tone for your business going forward, so it's crucial to get it just right.

But your brand's grand opening isn't just a one-day eventit includes a buildup to your big moment. So generating buzz for your business should start much earlier than launch day. 

That means targeting local customers with personalized messaging to build hype Đ and it should be part of your strategy leading up to the grand opening day. 

Location-based marketing (AKA geotargeting marketing) is a great way to build relationships with the community and create a positive first impression. And you can start in a snap: By enriching your third-party data to provide geolocations and IP addresses, you can target audiences based on their specific geographic locations. 

With enriched data, marketing teams can more holistically understand their customers and prospects, allowing for better targeting and personalization in their marketing strategies. And while it's possible to enrich data manually, it can be a time-consuming and costly process.

Use Case

Historically, multiple GTM systems get enriched data in different ways, which makes the job of building complete Customer 360 profiles extremely complicated. Census Enrichment solves that problem by integrating enriched data into the warehouse.

With Census Enrichment, you can automatically add enrichment to Entities in your data warehouse from our partner enrichment services Clearbit and Apollo Đ with more to come soon Đ with just a few clicks.

This might come in handy when creating geotargeted digital marketing campaigns for specific regions, cities, or even zip codes. Plus, it can help increase conversion rates by serving digital advertising campaigns that are more relevant to the audience so that you can increase foot traffic and sales. 

Geotargeted marketing ideas for your store's grand opening

1. Send an email encouraging local newsletter subscribers to visit your grand opening

For instance, let's say you already have a list of customers, like a direct-to-consumer brand opening a new brick-and-mortar location, and you want to incentivize locals to visit your grand opening. 

  • Census Enrichment helps you access the data you already have to build a segment like "Newsletter subscribers who have never purchased before and are located in the Austin TX metropolitan area."

2. Target Facebook ads to existing customers within a certain radius of your new store

Alternatively, you might want to use location targeting provided by a social media ads tool like Facebook Ads. Facebook allows you to set up location ad targeting for a specific audience. 

  • You can then use Census Enrichment to sync offline conversions like brick-and-mortar purchases back to Facebook to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. This helps you build a full Customer 360 profile with all your data, improving your overall customer experience.

Underneath the covers, Census takes care of building the corresponding enrichment data set in your data warehouse. This data is stored separately from your own first-party data but can be referenced by any of your services. Census transparently takes care of joining that location data with your first-party data as necessary to power Census Segments and Syncs.

You can sleep soundly knowing that Census' data activation platform will help you leverage all your first-party customer data to target the right audiences with timely and relevant messages. With our no-code audience builder, you can create dynamic segments on top of your data warehouse and use Reverse ETL to keep them in sync across advertising tools like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and TikTok, so you know your opening day will be a huge success.  🎉


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