B2B B2C Product-led Growth


It's frustrating, isn't it? You've worked tirelessly to increase user engagement. You've made signup a breeze, improved the product's performance, and you have a rockstar team to help new users reach the activation in a snap.

But whether they fell off your signup flow, created an account and never logged in, or left after one use, all your metrics point to the same conclusion: Your users stopped engaging with your product.

It it's any consolation, you're not alone. Data from Intercom's research shows that 40-60% of people who sign up for your product will use it once and leave forever. It's not because they hate it – at least, not all the time.

Ultimately, whatever the cause for their inactivity, re-engaging these inactive customers is an important part of any marketing strategy. You have the opportunity to move them further down the marketing funnel, better understand why they dropped off in the first place, and recapture that sweet, sweet revenue that might have been lost.

User re-engagement (or customer re-engagement in a B2B sense) is a form of winning back inactive users through various methods of showcasing your product's worth once again. 

Since the reason why app users you have previously acquired are abandoning your product might not be due to your product's value or functionality directly, user re-engagement is a common way to follow up with your lost users once again and make sure your product and the users get a second chance together.

Have a new feature to showcase? 

Rolled out some new notifications? 

Updated your product pricing? 

Revamped your in-app messaging?

All of these milestones are great opportunities to send win-back emails in a re-engagement campaign.

And Marketo is a great platform for this: It helps marketers engage customers and users with personalized email campaigns. But in order to send the most relevant and timely re-engagement emails, you need to leverage your centralized data hub that contains all your customer data context. That's where Census comes in.

Use Case

Census's data activation platform helps marketers access Customer 360 data and make it actionable in email marketing platforms like Marketo. 

With Census Segments, our no-code audience builder, marketers can quickly create granular segments across user and event relationships. For example, you can build a segment of "Free plan users where email is known, and logins = 0 in the past 30 days"and sync it to Marketo in 2 minutes.

Get started in 3 easy steps:

  1. Connect your data source. This can be a data warehouse like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, or Databricks. Or a database like Postgres, SQL Server, or MySQL
  2. Connect your destination application, like Marketo. We have integrations with over 100+ SaaS tools.
  3. Map fields to sync customer data. You can even use a custom audience list created in Census Segments.

It's that simple!

Destination Guides



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