Sales and RevOps


A 360-degree view of your customers provides more than just a holistic perspective of customer data. It also provides major benefits to your sales team. 

As customers expand their digital touchpoints, they create a pool of valuable data about their journey, including: Website inquiries, product purchase history, customer support tickets, login frequency, and much more. 

But to truly benefit from this data, you need to remove the silos. Your data needs to be organized and easily viewable in one location: A single source of truth.

Once built, this complete customer snapshot allows you to:

  • Drive more effective sales calls based on actual customer activity
  • Better predict future customer behavior
  • Improve close rates
  • Unlock more expansion opportunities
  • Create more targeted and strategic campaigns
  • Improve sales efficiency by surfacing critical customer information from across the business in one place
  • Unify siloed data into a customer profile that stays in sync across all tools

Use Case

Here at Census, we gather product usage data using an event-tracking tool that captures our customer's behavioral data and stores it directly in our data warehouse.

Then, we sync that product utilization data directly into HubSpot so that our sales team has the functionality to deliver more personalized experiences to each of our customers. This data can be synced as frequently as every minute, so our teams are constantly working with an updated view of the customer in near real-time.

Here are a few examples of customer data that we sync to create a customer 360:

  • Plan utilization rate
  • Number of connected apps
  • Number of active syncs
  • Number of active users in a workspace
  • Percentage of failed syncs in the last 3 days
  • Billing status

We even go a step further and use that data to calculate a Customer Health Score (and store that in HubSpot as well). 

Now, you can take action on your data, too (instead of watching it just waste away in a dashboard somewhere). 

By leveraging the data warehouse and Census, you can sync your customer data to your customer relationship management (CRM) platform quickly and reliably. This empowers your sales teams to immediately take more intelligent action, thereby increasing customer engagement and satisfaction with personalized customer experiences.

Destination Guides

Census supports multiple CRMs and customer engagement platforms. Click through for step by step instructions on setting up your syncs!






Unsure how to implement your use case?

Schedule a call with us to discuss!