B2B B2C E-Commerce


The proliferation of smartphones, computers, and the internet has made it easy for people to access anything at any time.

Social media, notifications, emails, and texts keep us constantly connected. Countless websites, articles, videos, and podcasts beg for our attention.

It's a time of rapid innovation, but it's challenging to tackle any one task without getting sidetracked by something else that catches our eye.

So, in a world filled with endless options and distractions, how can you capture and retain your audience's attention?

The answer lies in personalization. By tailoring your content to each individual customer, you can capture their attention, build their loyalty, and drive conversions.

Personalization allows you to go beyond generic marketing messages and speak directly to the unique needs and interests of each individual customer. When you understand their preferences, browsing behavior, and purchase history, you can create content that resonates with them on a deeper level.

But how do you can you reach this level of personalization? It's simple, really — by utilizing enriched data profiles to create dynamic content for your website and other digital channels.

This might include customer fields like:

  1. `customer_id`
  2. `email_address`
  3. `first_name`
  4. `last_name`
  5. `purchase_history`
  6. `location_data`
  7. `industry`
  8. `job_title`
  9. `customer_lifetime_value`
  10. `customer_segment`

Integrating these enriched data fields into your dynamic content strategy can allow you to:

  1. Personalize web experiences. By using enriched data fields like first_name, customer_segment, and purchase_history, you can deliver personalized website experiences that cater to individual customer preferences and browsing behavior, leading to increased engagement and conversions.
  2. Tailor content recommendations: With access to enriched data like industry, job_title, and customer_lifetime_value, you can offer content recommendations based on customers' specific interests and needs, driving higher engagement and demonstrating your expertise in their field.
  3. Geo-target offers and promotions: Leveraging location_data, you can display location-specific offers and promotions on your website and other digital channels, ensuring that your audience receives timely, relevant content that encourages them to engage with your brand.
  4. Dynamically advertise: Combining customer_segment, purchase_history, and customer_lifetime_value, you can create personalized, dynamic ads that target specific audience segments across various digital channels, resulting in more effective advertising campaigns and higher return on ad spend (ROAS).

Use Case

Census Enrichments makes it easy to unify your enriched data, so you can take your campaigns to the next level.

Enrichments are configured on Entities at Census, so every entity has a Data Enrichment tab that allows configuring enrichment.

The data within the entity will act as the source data that is passed to the enrichment service, and Census will automatically store the results in the warehouse as well as add the data you specify to the entities.

Before you start, you'll need to create a service connection to your enrichment service. You can add these in the Connections tab. You'll see a Data Enrichment tag indicating a service can be used for enrichment.

With enrichment services enabled, you'll see the option to turn on enrichment on your entities. Enabling enrichment requires three pieces of configuration:

  • Data Category or type to use, if the service provides multiple. For example, do you want to enrich users or people? If your entity is a User or Company type, this will be automatically selected for you.
  • The identifier (or identifiers) to pass to the enrichment service. Enrichment services use these identifiers to match against their databases. The type of identifier needed will vary depending on which data category was specified.
  • The attributes from the enrichment service to add to the entity. You can choose which attributes to add to your entity, you don't need to add them all so you can skip attributes that would create duplicate columns and confusion.

Once your enrichment is configured, Census will start querying your enrichment service and populating results.

Now, you can immediately:

  1. Sync the enriched data into your content management system (CMS) or personalization platform.
  2. Analyze the enriched data fields to identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for targeted content personalization.
  3. Develop dynamic content, offers, and promotions based on your analysis of the enriched data.
  4. Segment your audience using the enriched data fields to ensure each customer receives the most relevant content across your digital channels.
  5. Implement personalization rules and triggers within your CMS or personalization platform, incorporating the enriched data to display tailored content and offers.
  6. Monitor the performance of your dynamic content, using engagement and conversion metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of your enriched data-driven strategies.
  7. Iterate and refine your approach based on your campaign performance, continuously leveraging enriched data to optimize your dynamic content efforts.

What's Next?

After successfully implementing your dynamic content with enriched data profiles, consider exploring these other use cases to further enhance your marketing strategies 👇

  • Optimize your marketing automation workflows by incorporating enriched data fields like customer_lifetime_value, industry, and job_title.
  • Improve your customer support experiences by integrating enriched data into your help desk or customer success platform, enabling personalized, context-aware interactions.
  • Re-engage inactive customers by analyzing their purchase_history and customer_segment to develop targeted win-back campaigns.

By continuously finding new ways to utilize enriched data, you can elevate your marketing efforts, increase customer satisfaction, and crush your marketing goals. 💪


Unsure how to implement your use case?

Schedule a call with us to discuss!