B2C E-Commerce


Consumer expectations are at an all-time high. Now more than ever, it's vital for businesses to not only reach consumers on the channels they prefer, but also to effectively engage and convert them once they're there.

But one of the biggest challenges in this area is the fact that each individual customer experience tool has its own view of the customer, which can lead to an inconsistent and uneven experience. To overcome this challenge, businesses need to implement a centralized cross-channel strategy.

By creating a unified view of the customer, or Customer 360, you can build the foundation for unparalleled customer experience actions across all channels. This approach allows businesses to personalize interactions and tailor messaging, increasing conversion rates and ultimately driving revenue. 🚀

Where do you start?

An integrated customer experience begins with an integrated tech stack. 

Today, you already have a centralized data hub that consolidates customer data from any source in real-time. This is your data warehouse or data lake, like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, or Databricks. The warehouse is the best place to collect data from all channels representing the full customer relationship, including:

1. Web data. First-party data such as products searched, purchases, cart abandonment, orders completed, login history

2. Offline data. First-party data such as store location, in-store purchases, contact center engagement, customer support inquiries

3. Mobile data. First-party data such as location data, application installed, application opened, push notification received, push notification engaged, login information

And with a warehouse-native Customer 360, your integrated customer profiles are always in-sync and updated with a single source of truth.

Use Case

After you build the Customer 360, you have to make it actionable in all your marketing and advertising tools.

Using a Data Activation platform like Census that sits on top of the warehouse and sends customer data to your favorite tools Đ including Braze, Marketo, Iterable,, HubSpot, and Klaviyo – you can make your marketing data accessible, scalable, and automated.

Now, you can build your omnichannel marketing strategy with your Customer 360. Engage customers more effectively when you have the same complete set of customer data in any marketing tool. Your automated journeys will be personalized with customer data whether you’re reaching out through phone, mobile app, SMS text, email, or Facebook messenger. Your enriched customer channels will drive improved customer experiences and increased revenue.

Get started in 3 easy steps:

  1. Connect your data source. This can be a data warehouse like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, or Databricks. Or a database like Postgres, SQL Server, or MySQL
  2. Connect your destination application. We have integrations with 100+ SaaS tools. 🤯
  3. Map fields to sync customer data. You can even use a custom audience list created in Census Segments.

Here's an omnichannel marketing strategy example👇

The Goal: 

Promote a new line of organic skincare products and drive sales.

The Strategy:

The retailer uses multiple channels to create a seamless and integrated experience for customers across all touchpoints. 

  • Website: The home page features the new product line and a new collection page is created highlighting the benefits of each product.
  • Social Media: The new product line is promoted across all its channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) with engaging videos and tutorials.
  • Email Marketing: Personalized email campaigns are sent to subscribers of the email list. Exclusive discounts incentivize subscribers to purchase the new products.
  • In-store Experience: An in-store display is created featuring product images and testers. Brochures and samples of the products are available for customers to take home.
  • Mobile App: The retailer sends push notifications to its mobile app users, promoting the new product line and offering exclusive discounts for in-app purchases.
  • Customer Service: The CS team is trained to be knowledgeable about the new product line so they can answer questions and provide recommendations.
  • Loyalty Program: Members of the loyalty program receive exclusive discounts and double points for purchases of the new product line.

The Results: 

By using an omnichannel marketing strategy, the retailer increases awareness of its new product line and drives sales across multiple channels. Customers have a seamless experience whether they purchase online, in-store, or through the mobile app. The retailer also increases customer engagement and loyalty through its personalized promotions and exclusive offers.


Unsure how to implement your use case?

Schedule a call with us to discuss!