Customer Success


Within the Customer Success engagement lifecycle, the first touch points of building a new relationship are key to welcoming and onboarding new customers.

Whether it's understanding the partnership roadmap or recognizing who will be involved in building the relationship... all these touches make your customers feel special.

But creating personalized welcome emails is just the beginning — not to mention that it can be time-consuming and error-prone, leaving room for minor mistakes that make a big difference in the eyes of your new customers.

Instead, what if there was a way to auto-create tasks for Customer Success Managers? Imagine a world where all the necessary tasks from scheduling a follow-up call to creating a custom onboarding plan were automatically generated for you. Sure, it would save you time, but it also has benefits like:

  1. A more efficient onboarding process: With all the necessary tasks automatically generated, Customer Success teams save time and ensure a successful onboarding experience for new customers.
  2. Improved collaboration: With tasks assigned to specific team members, the onboarding process can be more collaborative and efficient. And a better onboarding experience = higher customer satisfaction.
  3. Increased visibility: By keeping track of the customer's progress, Customer Success teams can identify areas where they may be struggling and provide targeted support to help them succeed.
  4. Data-Driven Decision Making: By collecting data about the customer's onboarding process and progress, Customer Success Managers are empowered to make data-driven decisions about how to improve the onboarding experience. This leads to a more efficient and effective onboarding process, which ultimately benefits the customer.

As a result, CS teams increase customer satisfaction, reduce churn, improve customer lifetime value, and ultimately, boost revenue.

Ready to get started? Here are ten customer fields that you'll need to implement this:

Customer Field Field Description Code Notation
user Id The id of the customer being onboarded
User Email The email address of the customer being onboarded
Onboarding Plan A custom onboarding plan tailored to the customer's needs
Follow-up Call A scheduled call with the customer to check in on their progress
Training Material Relevant training materials to help the customer get up to speed
Customer Type The type of customer, such as B2B or B2C
Product Tier The product tier the customer is subscribed to
Sales Rep The sales representative who closed the deal
Onboarding Specialist The Customer Success Manager responsible for the onboarding process
Customer Success Goals The customer's goals for using the product

Use Case

Get started in 3 easy steps:

  1. Connect your data source. This can be a data warehouse like Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift, or Databricks or a database like Postgres, SQL Server, or MySQL
  2. Connect your destination application. We have integrations with over 100+ SaaS tools, including email tools like Braze, Iterable, HubSpot, ActiveCampaign, and MailChimp.
  3. Map fields to sync customer data. You can even use a custom audience list created in Census Segments.

What's next?

Here are other ways you can reuse the data collected through the automated onboarding process:

  • Create targeted marketing campaigns: With data about your customers' onboarding experience and goals, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that speak directly to their needs and interests. This can help increase engagement and drive conversions.
  • Identify opportunities for cross-selling or upselling: By understanding your customers' needs and goals, you can identify opportunities to cross-sell or upsell other products or services that can help them achieve their goals. This can help increase revenue and customer lifetime value.
  • Improve overall customer experience: By leveraging the data collected during the onboarding process, you can identify areas where customers may be struggling and provide targeted support to help them succeed. This can help improve overall customer experience and satisfaction.

There you have it! Collecting and leveraging onboarding process data can help you achieve tons of business goals more effectively.


Unsure how to implement your use case?

Schedule a call with us to discuss!